02 December 2010

And the winners are...

The winners of Christmas giveaway #1 are:

Lantern Studios clips
designed to a T (Terese)
Fizzle Out (Jasmine)

Typo mini notebook and pen
Raine and Sage (Sonia)
Riini (Irene)

I’ll email you all to arrange delivery of your little packages!

Stay tuned for giveaway #2 starting tomorrow!


  1. HOLY MOLY!!! O_o I can't believe I won! WOOT WOOT!!

  2. Wow thanks Kylie. Those clips are really lovely. I'm going to use them to clip all my design concepts together to hang from my cork board...Terese

  3. Hooray! I won! I won! Imagine I'm there in person - I'm sending you a big hug and kiss and smiling from ear to ear, saying thankyou so much!! I'm delighted Kylie, thanks again! :)
