I thought I would show off a few of the things around my home that I love (especially the little trinkets that are hard to show off in my other room shots!).
The vintage Artin flip alarm clock arrived in the post yesterday, and now sits amongst the little things on my bedside drawers.

This is a gorgeous little drawing by my lovely friend Fiona Lee (www.bonsaifoi.com) - it's her with her two kitties Vadar and Numchuk. It's currently in the hall next to the bathroom.

I found this pinboard a couple of months ago at KMart for only $20 - I love the ornate frame. It hangs just inside the doorway of our office/second bedroom.

This damask lamp was a housewarming gift from a good friend when we moved into a new rental property a few years ago. It's now followed us to our own home, and creates a lovely warmth in the living room. The damask box sitting just behind it comes from KMart.

This little guy is Reddy, a handmade little treasure from Woollyhoodwinks. He was another gift from the same friend, and made his way in a suitcase from New York all the way to Brisbane.

This is Enid, a foot-tall figurine of the Ghost World comic book character. I bought her as a birthday gift for John about five years ago. She sits on the bottom shelf in one of our living room bookcases.

And, finally, another new addition. This little ceramic tile, a birthday gift, was made by Brisbane artist Mel Robson. I haven't yet decided where its permanent home will be.